“That’s some catch, that Catch-22,” he [Yossarian] observed.
“It’s the best there is,” Doc Daneeka agreed.
Joseph Heller
I want your soul
I will eat your soul
Come to daddy, come to daddy
Come to daddy, come to daddy
Aphex Twin
… the moment had come to replace the velvet glove by the iron fist…
Antonio Gramsci
The other day I opened my front door and saw an incredible scene. I grabbed a camera and took a photo, and here it is…

There was only one catch and that was Catch-44, which specified that a concern for one’s safety or human rights or anything else in the face of forced-fluoridation was the process of an irrational mind. Ordinary people are sane and could choose their own medication. All they had to do was ask; and as soon as they did, they would no longer be sane and would have to be medicated with fluoride for the sake of their smiles. No sane person would want to be forcibly medicated, but if they didn’t consent they were crazy and had to be fluoridated. If they consented to being fluoridated they were sane and didn’t have to be; but if they didn’t want to be they were crazy and had to.
Thankfully, nobody had to ask for forced-fluoridation to be stopped, because it would be done without hesitation as soon as it were proven to be either harmful or useless. There was only one catch and that was a sub-clause of Catch-44, which specified that any such attempted proof was the process of an irrational mind. Researchers are sane and rely on evidence. All they had to do was provide the necessary evidence; and as soon as they asked for research funding or provided evidence, they would no longer be sane and would have to be ignored or pilloried, because everyone who mattered just knew that forced-fluoridation had been proven safe and effective a long time ago. People are sane if they employ evidence and reason and crazy if they don’t, but if they did employ them in relation to forced-fluoridation they were crazy and forced-fluoridation had to continue. If they parroted “safe and effective” while ignoring the evidence they were sane and didn’t have to be sidelined; but if they relied on evidence they were crazy and had to.