Forced fluoridation freedom fighting campaign ideas

16 Nov 2014 – last update 25 Sep 2024

If you want to win the fight against the fluoridationists and put an end to forced fluoridation, i.e. the artificial fluoridation of public water supplies, here is a list of strategies which may help. Most people won’t be able to do all of these things, including me, so do what you can and try to focus on what you think will be most effective.

1. Join, or start, a local campaign
If talking to locals and searching for websites has not revealed a forced fluoridation freedom fighting group where you live, you might be able to find one on one of the big, corporate, pseudo-social media platforms – or if you’re really lucky, a smaller platform. If you don’t think your local group is up to the job, or if there isn’t one, start your own.
2. Educate yourself
Many books, reports, and articles have been written on forced fluoridation and fluoride toxicity, some of which are available for free. As it happens, much of the best material has been written by people with scientific or medical qualifications. It cannot be overemphasised, however, that everyone who wants to terminate forced fluoridation has every right to defend themselves and others against it on human rights grounds, regardless of their qualifications or knowledge of the health or environmental effects.
3. Spread the word
Various means of communication can be used, from small to large scale, both online and offline. A combination of online and on the ground activity appears to work best. There are still many people living in enemy territory who don’t know that such a thing as forced fluoridation exists. There are many more who do know it exists, and are against it, but should be reminded frequently about what is being done to them and their communities, and enlisted to the cause if possible. Don’t waste time trying to convince fluoridationists they are wrong, or assume that the majority opinion will automatically be reflected in public policy. Real democracy is a good idea, but not something which has ever actually existed in any nation-state.
4. Take legal action

Forced fluoridation is illegal on many counts, but the law is not being enforced. There is a first time for everything, though. If you or your children have dental fluorosis, another tack is to sue for damages, which is likely to be successful as I understand it.

(The US Environmental Protection Agency has just been ruled against by a federal court for its failure to protect the public from excessive fluoride concentrations in drinking water; the case is listed as “Food & Water Watch, Inc. et al v. Environmental Protection Agency et al”. Some of the world’s top experts in developmental neurotoxicity, such as Bruce Lanphear and Philippe Grandjean, testified against the EPA in the phase of the court action which began on 8 June 2020 and ended on Wednesday, 17 June, having already submitted written declarations which can be found via the links above. The court proceedings were conducted by video and streamed online via Zoom, and having watched every minute live, I can say that the case made by the plaintiffs was extremely strong.

Unfortunately the Northern District of California judge, Edward M. Chen, decided to put the case on hold until 6 August 2020. On 6 August he kicked the can down the road again, this time until 5 November, on which date he delayed yet again until 10 December, until that date was changed to 7 January 2021, which was later changed to 22 April, with yet another status hearing initially scheduled for 26 August and then changed to 14 September, then to 18 January 2022, to 7 June, to 14 June, to 20 September, to 20 October, to 26 October, to 10 January 2023, to 12 January, to 11 April 2023, to 29 January 2024, then 31 January 2024. The 2nd phase of the trial finally took place in early 2024, and several months later Chen made his ruling on 24 September 2024. Although his judgement that artificial fluoridation of public water supplies at a fluoride concentration of 0.7 mg/L presents an unreasonable risk should result in the immediate cessation of forced fluoridation throughout the US, unfortunately it is not guaranteed because legally the EPA has some leeway in relation to exactly how it mitigates the risk of reduced IQ in children.)

5. Don’t give your money to fluoridationists

Fluoridationist dentists in force-fluoridated areas make a lot of money from cosmetically treating dental fluorosis. They are literally profiting from poisoning children. Doctors, other health practitioners, and pharmaceutical companies are also profiting from skeletal fluorosis and other adverse health effects. You may be able to find dentists, doctors, and so on in your area who have stood up for your right not to be medicated without your informed consent via the Professionals Statement on the Fluoride Action Network website. Otherwise, a dentist who doesn’t use fluoride in their practice, who may describe their type of dentistry as biological, holistic, functional, integrative, or natural, may be the next best option for your teeth. Or you may find you don’t really need a dentist at all. Whatever you do, don’t give your money to freaks who publicly support forced fluoridation.

You can also boycott Colgate-Palmolive, which spends millions funding fluoridationist pseudoscience at The University of Adelaide and elsewhere, and which indoctrinates children in schools and kindergartens. Colgate-Palmolive has many different brands. In some cases, there may also be opportunities to boycott the companies which are making money from selling their industrial fluoride pollution to governments. For example, in Australia phosphate fertiliser manufacturer CSBP sells its hexafluorosilicic acid waste product as a fluoridation chemical. CSBP is owned by Wesfarmers, which also owns major retailing chains such as Bunnings and Officeworks. If people buy less industrial (i.e. non-organic) food it will also weaken the phosphate fertiliser industry, which is the main seller of the fluoride pollution which is dumped into public water supplies.

6. Don’t vote for authoritarian political parties or candidates
To my knowledge, every major political party in Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, and the US is guilty of perpetrating forced fluoridation. This contrasts with the situation in most of the rest of the world, including Europe, where it has either been stopped or was never inflicted.
7. Think about who your real friends are
If someone wants to deliberately ingest extra fluoride it’s up to them, and they can take it individually just as they would take any other pharmaceutical or dietary chemical individually. In contrast, forced fluoridation is a blatant abuse of human rights, and anyone who supports it is not your friend. Morally, an unrepentant fluoridationist is no better than an unrepentant war criminal, paedophile, or other violent criminal. Ignorance of the consequences is not a valid excuse.
8. Anything else you can think of which hits the fluoridationists where it hurts
When the political system fails, it’s time for popular justice or revolution, and preferably both.
A cat using its paw to push the head of another cat into a food bowl. The cat with its head in the bowl has its eyes closed and does not look comfortable. Text: Forced-fluoridation is a violent act not an opinion

A full list of the articles in a section, with a brief description of each article, can be found by clicking on one of the underlined links below.